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Das ist der komplette(!) originale CHIP8-Interpreter des COSMAC VIP. Quelle: VIPER-Magazin 1-02 August 1978.

		; J.W. Wentworth's Analysis of VIP CHIP 8 Interpreter
		; retyped vp130331

		cpu	1802
		; '*' before opcode marks branch destination

0000: 91	  GHI  R1	; 0X ->	RB.1 (where 0X is then highest memory page no. as determined
0001: BB	  PHI  RB	; by Operating System) -- designates display page
0002: FF 01	  SMI  01h	; 0X-1 -> R2.1 (stack pointer)
0004: B2	  PHI  R2
0005: B6	  PHI  R6	; 0X-1 -> R6.1 (VX pointer)
0006: F8 CF	  LDI  CF
0008: A2	  PLO  R2	; CF ->	R2.0 (stack pointer set	to 0YCF, where Y=X-1)
0009: F8 81	  LDI  81h	; Set R1 (PC for Interrupt Routine) to 8146
000B: B1	  PHI  R1
000C: F8 46	  LDI  46h
000E: A1	  PLO  R1
000F: 90	  GHI  R0	; Pre-set R4 to	001B in	preparation for	assignment as PC
0010: B4	  PHI  R4
0011: F8 1B	  LDI  1Bh
0013: A4	  PLO  R4
0014: F8 01	  LDI  01h	; 01 ->	R5.1
0016: B5	  PHI  R5
0017: F8 FC	  LDI  FC	; FC ->	R5.0  (R5 now set to 01FC; will	serve as PC for	CHIP-8
0019: A5	  PLO  R5	; instructions,	commencing with	two instructions included on page 01
001A: D4	  SEP  R4	; 4 -> P (R4 becomes PC	at this	point)


001B: 96	* GHI  R6	; 0Y ->	R7.1 (high byte	of VY pointer)
001C: B7	  PHI  R7
001D: E2	  SEX  R2	; 2 -> X
001E: 94	  GHI  R4	; 00 ->	RC.1
001F: BC	  PHI  RC
0020: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance (Fetch	first byte of Chip-8 Instruction)
0021: AF	  PLO  RF	; Put in RF.0 (temporary storage)
0022: F6	  SHR		; Shift	right 4	times (MSD to LSD position)
0023: F6	  SHR
0024: F6	  SHR
0025: F6	  SHR
0026: 32 44	  BZ   44h	; If D=0 (i.e.,	if Op Code digit is zero), branch to 0044
0028: F9 50	  ORI  50h	; OR Immediate with 50
002A: AC	  PLO  RC	; Put in RC.0 (RC now points to 005a, where "a" is MSD of CHIP-8 Instruction)
002B: 8F	  GLO  RF	; Get RF.0 (high byte of instruction)
002C: FA 0F	  ANI  0Fh	; AND with 0F, OR with F0 (thus forming byte Fb, where "b" is the second
002E: F9 F0	  ORI  F0	; hex digit in the CHIP-8 Instruction, used in some instructions to designate VX)
0030: A6	  PLO  R6	; Put in R6.0 (R6 becomes VX pointer)
0031: 05	  LDN  R5	; Load via R5 (second byte of CHIP-8 Instruction)
0032: F6	  SHR		; Shift right 4 times
0033: F6	  SHR
0034: F6	  SHR
0035: F6	  SHR
0036: F9 F0	  ORI  F0	; OR with F0 
0038: A7	  PLO  R7	; and put in R7.0 (sets VY pointer)
0039: 4C	  LDA  RC	; Load via RC and advance (Loads high byte of address for appropriate subroutine)
003A: B3	  PHI  R3	; Put in R3.1
003B: 8C	  GLO  RC	; Get RC.0 (=5(a+1))
003C: FC 0F	  ADI  0Fh	; Add 0F, put in RC.0 (points to low byte of start address for appropriate
003E: AC	  PLO  RC	; subroutine to execute CHIP-8 Instruction)
003F: 0C	  LDN  RC	; Load via RC
0040: A3	* PLO  R3	; Put in R3.0
0041: D3	  SEP  R3	; Call subroutine designated by first digit of CHIP-8 Instruction (if not zero)
0042: 30 1B	* BR   1Bh	; Branch to 001B to fetch next instruction


0044: 8F	* GLO  RF	; Get RF.0 (high byte of instruction)
0045: FA 0F	  ANI  0Fh	; AND with 0F to save LSD only
0047: B3	  PHI  R3	; Put in R3.1 (select page on which subroutine will found)
0048: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load via R5 and advance (2nd byte of inst.)
0049: 30 40	  BR   40h	; Branch to 0040 to call subroutine (00E0 for erase page, 00EE for return from
				; subroutine, 0MMM for machine-language subroutine)

004B: 22	  DEC  R2	; Decrement R2 (stack pointer)
004C: 69	  INP  1h	; Turn display ON (interrupts will occur, controlled by routine at 8146)
004D: 12	  INC  R2	; Increment R2
004E: D4	  SEP  R4	; return to 0042
004F: 00	  IDL		; Filler
0050: 00	  IDL		; Filler

0051: 01	  db 1		; High bytes for pointer to start of subroutines selected by first digit
0052: 01	  db 1		; of CHIP 8 instructions (1 through F)
0053: 01	  db 1
0054: 01	  db 1
0055: 01	  db 1
0056: 01	  db 1
0057: 01	  db 1
0058: 01	  db 1
0059: 01	  db 1
005A: 01	  db 1
005B: 01	  db 1
005C: 01	  db 1
005D: 00	  db 0
005E: 01	  db 1
005F: 01	  db 1
0060: 00	IDL		; Filler

;				; Low Bytes for subroutine pointers
0061: 7C        db 7Ch		; 1 -> 017C
0062: 75        db 75h		; 2 -> 0175
0063: 83        db 83h          ; 3 -> 0183
0064: 8B        db 8Bh          ; 4 -> 018B
0065: 95        db 95h          ; 5 -> 0195
0066: B4        db 0B4h         ; 6 -> 01B4
0067: B7        db 0B7h         ; 7 -> 01B7
0068: BC        db 0BCh         ; 8 -> 01BC
0069: 91        db 91h          ; 9 -> 0191
006A: EB        db 0EBh         ; A -> 01EB
006B: A4        db 0A4h         ; B -> 01A4
006C: D9        db 0D9h         ; C -> 01D9
006D: 70        db 70h          ; D -> 0070
006E: 99        db 99h          ; E -> 0199
006F: 05        db 05h          ; F -> 0105

		; DISPLAY SUBROUTINE (1st Digit = D)

0070: 06	* LDN  R6	; Load by R6 (VX)
0071: FA 07	  ANI  07h	; Put last 3 bits in RE.1
0073: BE	  PHI  RE
0074: 06	  LDN  R6	; Load by R6
0075: FA 3F	  ANI  3Fh	; AND with 3F (save lower 6 bits)
0077: F6	  SHR		; shift right 3 times (save middle 3 digits)
0078: F6	  SHR
0079: F6	  SHR
007A: 22	  DEC  R2	; Decrement Stack
007B: 52	  STR  R2	; Store in Stack
007C: 07	  LDN  R7	; Load via R7 (VY)
007D: FA 1F	  ANI  1Fh	; AND with 1F (save 5 lowest bits)
007F: FE	  SHL		; shift left 3 times
0080: FE	  SHL
0081: FE	  SHL
0082: F1	  OR		; OR with top of stack
0083: AC	  PLO  RC	; Put Result in RC.0
0084: 9B	  GHI  RB	; Get RB.1, put in RC.1 (0X) -- RC now points to start address
0085: BC	  PHI  RC	; of first byte of pattern
0086: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load via R5 and advance -- fetches 2nd byte of CHIP 8 instruction
0087: FA 0F	  ANI  0F	; Put LSD in both RD.0 and R7.0 (No. of bytes in pattern)
0089: AD	  PLO  RD
008A: A7	  PLO  R7
008B: F8 D0	  LDI  D0	; D0 -> R6.0
008D: A6	  PLO  R6
008E: 93	* GHI  R3	; 00 -> RF.0
008F: AF	  PLO  RF
0090: 87	  GLO  R7	; Get R7.0 (No. of bytes); branch if D=0 to 00F3 (when branch occurs,
0091: 32 F3	  BZ   F3	; display bytes have been processed and stored commencing at 0YD0)
0093: 27	  DEC  R7	; Decrement R7
0094: 4A	  LDA  RA	; Load via RA (I pointer) and advance (Loads display byte)
0095: BD	  PHI  RD	; Put in RD.1
0096: 9E	  GHI  RE	; Get RE.1 (3 LSB's of VX), Put in RE.0
0097: AE	  PLO  RE
0098: 8E	  GLO  RE	; Get RE.0; if D=0, branch to 00A4 (When branch occurs, display bytes
0099: 32 A4	  BZ   A4	; will have been split into two parts in the event that display address
				; did not coincide with as memory byte address)
009B: 9D	  GHI  RD	; Get RD.1,
009C: F6	  SHR		; shift right,
009D: BD	  PHI  RD	; and return to RD.1 (left portion of split diplay byte)
009E: 8F	  GLO  RF	; Get RF.0,
009F: 76	  SHRC		; ring shift right (picking up carry, if any, from step 009C),
00A0: AF	  PLO  RF	; return to RF.0 -- thes instructions form right portion of split display byte.
00A1: 2E	  DEC  RE	; Decrement RE
00A2: 30 98	  BR   98	; Branch to 0098
00A4: 9D	* GHI  RD	; Get RD.1 (left portion of split diplay byte)
00A5: 56	  STR  R6	; and store via R6
00A6: 16	  INC  R6	; Increment R6
00A7: 8F	  GLO  RF	; Get RF.0 (right portion of split diplay byte)
00A8: 56	  STR  R6	; and store via R6
00A9: 16	  INC  R6	; Increment R6
00AA: 30 8E	  BR   8E	; Branch to 008E
00AC: 00	* IDL		; Wait for display interrupt
00AD: EC	  SEX  RC	; C -> X (C points to start address for first new byte in display page)
00AE: F8 D0	  LDI  D0	; D0 -> R6.0 (points to first processed display byte)
00B0: A6	  PLO  R6
00B1: 93	  GHI  R3	; 00 -> R7.0 (R7.0 will be used as a marker for "collisions"
00B2: A7	  PLO  R7	; between new and existing pattern)
00B3: 8D	* GLO  RD	; Get RD.0 (no. of bytes remaining);
00B4: 32 D9	  BZ   D9	; if D=0, branch to 00D9
00B6: 06	  LDN  R6	; Load via R6 (processed display byte)
00B7: F2	  AND		; AND with contents at current address in pattern on display page
00B8: 2D	  DEC  RD	; Decrement RD
00B9: 32 BE	  BZ   BE	; if D=0 (i.e., no "collision" occurs) branch to 00BE
00BB: F8 01	  LDI  01	; 01 -> R7.0 (marker to indicate that a "collision" has occured)
00BD: A7	  PLO  R7
00BE: 46	* LDA  R6	; Load via R6 (processed display byte)
00BF: F3	  XOR		; XOR with existing byte
00C0: 5C	  STR  RC	; Store via RC (in display page)
00C1: 02	  LDN  R2	; Load from top of stack (3 LBS's of display page address),
00C2: FB 07	  XRI  07	; XOR with 07;
00C4: 32 D2	  BZ   D2	; if result is zero, branch to 00D2 (display pattern is at
				; right-hand edge of display "window")
00C6: 1C	  INC  RC	; Increment RC
00C7: 06	  LDN  R6	; Load via R6 (right portion of processed diplay byte),
00C8: F2	  AND		; AND via R6 (existing contents of display page address);
00C9: 32 CE	  BZ   CE	; branch if result is zero (i.e., if there is no "collision") to 00CE
00CB: F8 01	  LDI  01	; 01 -> R7.0 (marker to indicate that a "collision" has occured)
00CD: A7	  PLO  R7
00CE: 06	* LDN  R6	; Load via R6,
00CF: F3	  XOR		; XOR with contents already present at designated address of display
00D0: 5C	  STR  RC	; page, and store via RC (on display page)
00D1: 2C	  DEC  RC	; Decrement RC
00D2: 16	* INC  R6	; Increment R6
00D3: 8C	  GLO  RC	; Get RC.0,
00D4: FC 08	  ADI  08	; Add 08,
00D6: AC	  PLO  RC	; and return to RC.0
00D7: 3B B3	  BNF  B3	; if DF=0 (i.e., if next byte location remains on display page), branch to 00B3
00D9: F8 FF	* LDI  FF	; FF -> R6.0 (R6 points to Variable F)
00DB: A6	  PLO  R6
00DC: 87	  GLO  R7
00DD: 56	  STR  R6
00DE: 12	  INC  R2	; Increment stack
00DF: D4	* SEP  R4	; Return to FETCH routine at 0042

		; ERASE DISPLAY PAGE -- Inst. 00E0

00E0: 9B	  GHI  RB	; 0X -> RF.1
00E1: BF	  PHI  RF
00E2: F8 FF	  LDI  FF	; FF -> RF.0
00E4: AF	  PLO  RF
00E5: 93	* GHI  R3	; 00 -> D
00E6: 5F	  STR  RF	; Store via RF
00E7: 8F	  GLO  RF	; Get RF.0;
00E8: 32 DF	  BZ   DF	; if zero, branch to 00DF for exit to FETCH
00EA: 2F	  DEC  RF	; Decrement RF
00EB: 30 E5	  BR   E5	; Branch to 00E5

00ED: 00	  IDL		; Filler

		; INST. 00EE -- Return from Subroutine

00EE: 42	  LDA  R2	; Load from stack and advance,
00EF: B5	  PHI  R5	; put in R5.1
00F0: 42	  LDA  R2	; Load from stack and advance,
00F1: A5	  PLO  R5	; put in R5.0 (R5 now points to next CHIP 8 instruction)
00F2: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to FETCH routine at 0042


00F3: 8D	* GLO  RD	; Get RD.0 (remaining no. of bytes in pattern),
00F4: A7	  PLO  R7	; put in R7.0
00F5: 87	* GLO  R7	; Get R7.0;
00F6: 32 AC	  BZ   AC	; if zero, branch to 00AC (When branch occurs, RA (I Pointer)
				; will have returned to its initial value)
00F8: 2A	  DEC  RA	; Decrement RA
00F9: 27	  DEC  R7	; Decrement R7
00FA: 30 F5	  BR   F5	; Branch to 00F5
00FC: 00	  IDL		; Fillers
00FD: 00	  IDL
00FE: 00	  IDL
00FF: 00	  IDL
0100: 00	  IDL
0101: 00	  IDL
0102: 00	  IDL
0103: 00	  IDL
0104: 00	  IDL

		; FINAL DECODING OF "F" instructions

0105: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load via R5 and advance (2nd byte of CHIP 8 instruction)
0106: A3	  PLO  R3	; put in R3 (go to designated address)

		; Instruction FX07 (Let VX = Timer)

0107: 98	  GHI  R8	; Get R8.1
0108: 56	  STR  R6	; Store via R6 (i.e., as VX)
0109: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction FX0A (Let VX = Hex Key)

010A: F8 81	  LDI  81	; RC = 8195 (keyboard scanning subroutine)
010C: BC	  PHI  RC
010D: F8 95	  LDI  95
010F: AC	  PLO  RC
0110: 22	  DEC  R2	; Decrement stack pointer
0111: DC	  SEP  RC	; Call keyboard scanning subroutine at 8195 (key entry is in D upon return)
0112: 12	  INC  R2	; Increment stack pointer
0113: 56	  STR  R6	; Store via R6 (i.e., as VX)
0114: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction FX15 (Set Timer to VX)

0115: 06	  LDN  R6	; Load via R6 (loads VX),
0116: B8	  PHI  R8	; put in R8.1
0117: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction FX18 (Set tone duration = VX)

0118: 06	  LDN  R6	; Load via R6 (loads VX)
0119: A8	  PLO  R8	; Put in R8.0 (tone timer)
011A: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Constants needed for Instruction FX33

011B: 64	* db	100
011C: 0A	  db	10
011D: 01	  db	1

		; Instruction FX1E

011E: E6	  SEX  R6	; 6 -> X
011F: 8A	  GLO  RA	; Get RA.0
0120: F4	  ADD		; Add VX
0121: AA	  PLO  RA	; Put in RA.0 (as updated I pointer)
0122: 3B 28	  BNF  28	; If DF=0 (i.e., if updated I remains on the same memory page), branch to 0128
0124: 9A	  GHI  RA	; Increment RA.1
0125: FC 01	  ADI  01
0127: BA	  PHI  RA
0128: D4	* SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction FX29 (Let I = 5-byte diplay pattern for LSD of VX)

0129: F8 81	  LDI  81	; 81 -> RA.1
012B: BA	  PHI  RA
012C: 06	  LDN  R6	; Load via R6 (VX)
012D: FA 0F	  ANI  0F	; AND with 0F (save last digit),
012F: AA	  PLO  RA	; put in RA.0
0130: 0A	  LDN  RA	; Load via RA (start address for 5-byte pattern of hex digit),
0131: AA	  PLO  RA	; put in RA.O
0132: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction FX33 (Let MI = 3-decimal digit equivalent of VX)

0133: E6	  SEX  R6	; 6 -> X
0134: 06	  LDN  R6	; Load via R6 (VX),
0135: BF	  PHI  RF	; put in RF.1
0136: 93	  GHI  R3	; 01 -> RE.1
0137: BE	  PHI  RE
0138: F8 1B	  LDI  1B	; 1B -> RE.0 (RE = 011B)
013A: AE	  PLO  RE
013B: 2A	  DEC  RA	; Decrement RA
013C: 1A	* INC  RA	; Increment RA (cancels prev. step upon first entry into pgm loop,
				; but needed in later "passes" around the loop}
013D: F8 00	  LDI  00	; Store 00 via RA (I pointer)
013F: 5A	  STR  RA
0140: 0E	* LDN  RE	; load via RE (Decimal 100, 10 or 1)
0141: F5	  SD		; Subtract from M(R6) -- i.e., subtract from YX
0142: 3B 4B	  BNF  4B	; Branch if Minus to 014B
0144: 56	  STR  R6	; Store result via R6
0145: 0A	  LDN  RA	; Increment memory location contents pointed to by RA (= I Pointer)
0146: FC 01	  ADI  01
0148: 5A	  STR  RA
0149: 30 40	  BR   40	; Branch to 0140
014B: 4E	* LDA  RE	; load via RE and advance
014C: F6	  SHR		; Shift Right
014D: 3B 3C	  BNF  3C	; If DF=0 (i.e.,if decimal 100's, 10's and 1's have not been processed), branch to 013C
014F: 9F	  GHI  RF	; Get RF. 1 (original value of VX)
0150: 56	  STR  R6	; Stcre via R6 (restores original value of VX)
0151: 2A	  DEC  RA	; Decrement RA twice
0152: 2A	  DEC  RA
0153: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

0154: 00	  IDL		; Filler

		; Instruction FX55 (Let MI = V0:VX)

0155: 22	  DEC  R2	; Decrement stack pointer
0156: 86	  GLO  R6	; Get R6.0 (pointer for VX),
0157: 52	  STR  R2	; and store in stack
0158: F8 F0	  LDI  F0	; F0 -> R7.0
015A: A7	  PLO  R7
015B: 07	* LDN  R7	; Load via R7
015C: 5A	  STR  RA	; Store via RA (I pointer)
015D: 87	  GLO  R7	; Get R7.0
015E: F3	  XOR		; XOR with top of stack (VX pointer)
015F: 17	  INC  R7	; Increment R7
0160: 1A	  INC  RA	; Increment RA
0161: 3A 5B	  BNZ  5B	; If D<>0 (i.e., if R7 at Step 5E has not yet reached value of YX pointer), branch to 015B
0163: 12	  INC  R2	; Increment stack pointer
0164: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction FX65 (Let V0:VX = MI)

0165: 22	  DEC  R2	; Decrement stack pointer
0166: 86	  GLO  R6	; Get R6.0 (pointer for VX)
0167: 52	  STR  R2	; Store in stack
0168: F8 F0	  LDI  F0	; F0 -> R7.0
016A: A7	  PLO  R7
016B: 0A	* LDN  RA	; Load via RA (i.e., via I)
016C: 57	  STR  R7	; Store via R7
016D: 87	  GLO  R7	; Get R7.0
016E: F3	  XOR		; XOR with top of stack (VX pointer)
016F: 17	  INC  R7	; Increment R7
0170: 1A	  INC  RA	; Increment RA
0171: 3A 6B	  BNZ  6B	; If D<>0 (i.e., if R7 at Step 6E has not yet reached value of YX pointer), branch to 016B
0173: 12	  INC  R2	; Increment stack pointer
0174: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction 2MMM (do subroutine at MMM)

0175: 15	  INC  R5	; Increment R5 (point to next CHIP 8 instruction after return)
0176: 85	  GLO  R5	; Get R5.0
0177: 22	  DEC  R2	; Decrement stack pointer
0178: 73	  STXD		; Store in stack and decrement
0179: 95	  GHI  R5	; Get R5.1
017A: 52	  STR  R2	; Store in stack
017B: 25	  DEC  R5	; Decrement R5 (points to low byte of current instruction)
017C: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load via R5 and advance
017D: A5	  PLO  R5	; Put in R5.0
017E: 86	  GLO  R6	; Get R6.0 (contains 2nd digit of current instruction)
017F: FA 0F	  ANI  0F	; AND with OF (save 2nd digit of Chip 8 instruction) 
0181: B5	  PHI  R5	; and put in R5.1 (R5 now points to first instruction of subroutine commencing at 0MMM)
0182: D4	* SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction 3XKK (Skip if VX=KK)

0183: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance (KK -> D)
0184: E6	* SEX  R6	; 6 -> X
0185: F3	  XOR		; XOR (operands are KK and VX)
0186: 3A 82	  BNZ  82	; If D <> 0 (i.e., if VX <> KK), branch to 0182
0188: 15	* INC  R5	; Increment R5 twice (causing skip of next Chip 8 instruction)
0189: 15	  INC  R5
018A: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction 4XKK (Skip if VX<>KK)

018B: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance (KK -> D)
018C: E6	* SEX  R6	; 6 -> X
018D: F3	  XOR		; XOR (operands are KK and VX)
018E: 3A 88	  BNZ  88	; If D <> 0, branch to 0188
0190: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction 9XY0 (Skip if VK<>VY)

0191: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance
0192: 07	  LDN  R7	; Load by R7 (VY ->  D)
0193: 30 8C	  BR   8C	; Branch to 018C {operands for subsequent XOR operation will be VY and VX)

		; Instruction 5XY0 (Skip if VK=VY)

0195: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance
0196: 07	  LDN  R7	; Load by R7 (VY ->  D)
0197: 30 84	  BR   84	; Branch to 0184 {operands for subsequent XOR operation will be VY and VX)

		; Instruction EX9E (Skip if VX=Key)
		; and EX91 (Skip if VX<>Key)

0199: E6	  SEX  R6	; 6 -> X
019A: 62	  OUT  2	; Output VX to keyboard latch, increment R6
019B: 26	  DEC  R6	; Decrement R6 (cancel advance of prev 0 step)
019C: 45	  LDA  R5	; load by R5 and advance (either 9E or A1 is loaded into D)
019D: A3	  PLO  R3	; Put in R3 (go to designated address)
019E: 36 88	  B3   88	; if EF3 = 1 (i.e., if key matching LSD of VX is down) go to 0188
01A0: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042
01A1: 3E 88	  BN3  88	; If EF3 = 0 (hex key matching LSD of VX not pressed), branch to 0188
01A3: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction BMMM (Go to 0MMM + V0)

01A4: F8 F0	  LDI  F0	; FO -> R7.0 (R7 points to V0)
01A6: A7	  PLO  R7
01A7: E7	  SEX  R7	; 7 -> X
01A8: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance (Loads 2nd byte of instruction)
01A9: F4	  ADD		; Add V0
01AA: A5	  PLO  R5	; Put in R5.0
01AB: 86	  GLO  R6	; Get LSD af R6.0 (2nd digit of instruction)
01AC: FA 0F	  ANI  0F
01AE: 3B B2	  BNF  B2	; If DF=0 (i.e., if there was no carry from addition operation at Step A9), branch to 0182
01B0: FC 01	  ADI  01	; Add 01
01B2: B5	  PHI  R5	; Put in R5.1
01B3: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction 6XKK (Let VX = KK)

01B4: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance (KK -> D)
01B5: 56	  STR  R6	; Store via R6 (as VX)
01B6: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction 7XKK (Let VX = VX+KK)

01B7: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance (KK -> D)
01B8: E6	  SEX  R6	; 6 -> X
01B9: F4	  ADD		; Add (D = VX+KK)
01BA: 56	  STR  R6	; Store via R6 (as updated VX)
01BB: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction 8XYN (ALU operations with VX and VY as operands)

01BC: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance (Loads 2nd byte of instruction)
01BD: FA 0F	  ANI  0F	; AND with 0F (save 2nd digit)
01BF: 3A C4	  BNZ  C4	; If D<>0, branch to 01C4
01C1: 07	  LDN  R7	; load by R7 (VY -> D)
01C2: 56	  STR  R6	; Store via R6 (as VX)
01C3: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042
01C4: AF	* PLO  RF	; Put in RF.0
01C5: 22	  DEC  R2	; Decrement stack pointer
01C6: F8 D3	  LDI  D3	; D3->D
01C8: 73	  STXD		; Store in stack and decrement
01C9: 8F	  GLO  RF	; Get RF.0 (last digit of instruction)
01CA: F9 F0	  ORI  F0	; OR with F0 (forms an instruction code in the ALU group
				; --codes F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7 and FE are valid}
01CC: 52	  STR  R2	; Store in stack (stack now holds a 2-instruction routine)
01CD: E6	  SEX  R6	; 6 -> X
01CE: 07	  LDN  R7	; load by R7 (VY -> D)
01CF: D2	  SEP  R2	; 2 -> D (calls routine developed in stack)
01D0: 56	  STR  R6	; Store result via R6 (as VX)
01D1: F8 FF	  LDI  FF	; FF -> R6.0 (points to VF)
01D3: A6	  PLO  R6
01D4: F8 00	  LDI  00	; 00 -> D
01D6: 7E	  SHLC		; Ring Shift Left (moves 0F to LSB)
01D7: 56	  STR  R6	; Store via R6 (as VF)
01D8: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction CXKK (Let VX = Random Byte, masked by KK)

01D9: 19	  INC  R9	; Increment R9
01DA: 89	  GLO  R9	; Get R9.0, put in RE.0 (NOTE: R9 is a special pointer for this random-number
				; generator, and is incremented once for every TV scan by the interrupt routine.)
01DB: AE	  PLO  RE	
01DC: 93	  GHI  R3	; 01 -> RE.1
01DD: BE	  PHI  RE	; (RE now points to some byte on memory page 01)
01DE: 99	  GHI  R9	; Get R9.1 (Random byte resulting from last previous use of this instruction)
01DF: EE	  SEX  RE	; E -> X
01E0: F4	  ADD		; Add byte pointed to by RE
01E1: 56	  STR  R6	; Store via R6
01E2: 76	  SHRC		; Ring shift right
01E3: E6	  SEX  R6	; 6 -> X
01E4: F4	  ADD		; Add original byte formed at Step 01E0 to its ring-shifted version
01E5: B9	  PHI  R9	; Put in R9.1 (as starting point for next use of this instruction)
01E6: 56	  STR  R6	; Store via R6 (byte still un-masked)
01E7: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load via R5 and advance (loads 2nd byte of Ch ip 8 instruction, KK)
01E8: F2	  AND		; AND with byte pointed to by R6
01E9: 56	  STR  R6	; Store result via R6 (as VX)
01EA: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042

		; Instruction AMMM (Let I = 0MMM)

01EB: 45	  LDA  R5	; Load by R5 and advance (2nd byte of instruction) 
01EC: AA	  PLO  RA	; Put in RA.0
01ED: 86	  GLO  R6	; Get R6.0
01EE: FA 0F	  ANI  0F
01F0: BA	  PHI  RA	; Put 2nd digit in RA.1
01F1: D4	  SEP  R4	; Return to 0042
01F2: 00	  IDL		; Fillers
01F3: 00	  IDL
01F4: 00	  IDL
01F5: 00	  IDL
01F6: 00	  IDL
01F7: 00	  IDL
01F8: 00	  IDL
01F9: 00	  IDL
01FA: 00	  IDL
01FB: 00	  IDL

		; Preliminary CHIP 8 instructions to precede every CHIP 8 programm

01FC: 00 E0	* dw	00E0	; calls routine at 00E0 to erase display page
01FE: 00 4B	  dw	004B	; calls routine at 0042 to turn on display


; 									Initial Setting
; RO DMA Pointer							----
; R1 Program Counter (PC) for Interrupt Routine				8146
; R2 Stack Pointer							0YCF
; R3 PC for Interpreter Subroutines					----
; R4 PC for Interpreter FETCH AND DECODE routine			001B
; R5 Pointer for CHIP 8 Instructions					01FC
; R6 VX Pointer: in DXYN (Display) Instructions, also serves		0Y--*
;    as pointer for processed display bytes, later as VF pointer
; R7 VY Pointer for instructions involving VY; V0 Pointer for		0Y--*
;    BMMM Instructions; R7.0 is a "scratch pad" register in
;    DXYN, FX55 and FX65 Instructions
; R8 Timers controlled by Interrupt Routine (R8.1 is a generalpurpose	----
;    timer: R8.0 is a tone and de-bounce timer)
; R9 Special Pointer and "Scratch Pad" used in Random Number		----
;    Generally utilized in CXKK Instructions--changed by
;    Interrupt Routine
; RA I Pointer for CHIP 8 Instructions					----
; RB RB.1 is Display Page Pointer: RB.0 is "Scratch Pad" for		0Y--*
;    Interrupt Routine
; RC Temporary Pointer for FETCH AND DECODE Routine;			00--
;    Destination Address Pointer for DXYN Instructions; PC for
;    Keyboard Scanning Subroutine in FX0A Instructions.
; RD Both Sections Used as "Scratch Pad" Registers in DXYN		----
;    (Display Instruetions)
; RE Pointer for Constants Needed in FX33 Instructions: RE.1		----
;    is a "Scratch Pad" Register for DXYN (Display) Instructions
; RF Display Page Address Pointer for 00E0 (Erase) Instructions;	----
;    RF.0 Used as "Scratch Pad" in FETCH AND DECODE
;    Routine and also in DXYN Instructions
; NOTE: Registers available for machine-language subroutines are R7, RC,
;    RD, RE and RF, but subroutines themselves must provide any initial settings
;    required--CHIP 8 instructions may alter these register settings, as indicated
;    above.
; *: In basic VIP system with 2K RAM, 0X = 07 and 0Y = 06. In general,
;    0X, is highest memory page and 0Y = 0X-1.
  • homecomputer/chip8/chip8interpreter.1403524218.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2014/06/23 11:50
  • von volkerp